
We use a chat software from the company Userlike UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Probsteigasse 44-46, 50670 Cologne, Germany. You can use the chat like a contact form to chat almost in real time with our staff. When starting the chat, the following personal data is collected [to be adjusted depending on the widget settings]:


  • Date and time of the call,
  • browser type/version,
  • IP address,
  • operating system used,
  • URL of the previously visited website,
  • Amount of data sent.
  • And if specified: First name, last name, and email address.


Depending on the course of the conversation with our employees, further personal data may arise in the chat, which are entered by you. The nature of these data depends largely on your request or the problem you describe to us. The purpose of processing all this data is to provide you with a fast and efficient way to contact us and thus improve our customer service.


All our employees have been and will be trained on the subject of data protection and taught how to handle customer data safely and confidentially. All of our employees are bound to confidentiality and have accordingly signed an addendum in their employee contracts to the obligation to maintain confidentiality and to observe data protection.


When you click on the chat icon and confirm the prompt with "Accept & Start Chat", the chat widget is loaded in the form of a JavaScript file from AWS Cloudfront. The chat widget technically represents the source code that runs on your computer and enables the chat.


In addition, we store the history of the chats. This serves the purpose of sparing you extensive explanations about the history of your request under certain circumstances as well as for the constant quality control of our chat offer. The processing is therefore permitted pursuant to Art. 6 (1) f DSGVO. The chats will be deleted as soon as you request us to delete them, revoke your consent to store them or the purpose for storing the data no longer applies.


The storage of chat data also serves the purpose of ensuring the security of our information technology systems. This is also our legitimate interest, which is why the processing is permitted under Art. 6 (1) f DSGVO.


For further information, please refer to the Privacy Policy of Userlike UG(haftungsbeschränkt).